
Slice of Sweat - SoS Patch

More people nowadays are engaged in office jobs and become increasingly sedentary. According to a 2018 study, office based workers typically spend 70-85% sitting. A lack of physical activity has been one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. The challenge of this project is to design a health-care product for people with a sedentary lifestyle.

My Role

Product Design


2018 (3 months)

As-Is Map

After conducting several interviews, I made an As-Is Map and found key opportunities.


Indicator for Health: Trace Elements in Sweat

One of the most important indication of the physical well-being is cardiorespiratory fitness, while the stress level indicates the mental health. The trace elements in our sweat can be the idicator for both cardio and mental health.


Sweat Patch

01 Apply the Patch, warm up!

02 Run!

03 Collect the patch after running.

04 Compare your patches.

Mechanism & Interface

How the Patch shows 3 Levels During Exercise?

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